We Accept the Following Items:
- Artwork
- Bedding
- Linens
- Clothing
- Footwear
- Hats
- Scarves
- Tools
- Computer Peripherals
- TV's
- Video Games
- Comics
- Books
- DVDs
- Blu-Rays
- CDs
- Flatware
- Dishes
- Sporting Equipment
- Medical Equipment
- Musical Instruments
- Indoor/Outdoor Furniture
- Collectibles
- Office Equipment
- Lamps
- Speakers
- No unscheduled furniture drop-offs
- Containers for donated items cannot be returned
We Cannot Accept the Following Items:
- Building materials
- Unframed mirrors
- Sharp/unpolished glass
- Computer monitors, printers, copiers, all-in-one units
- Flammables
- Mattresses and box springs
- Non-working electronics or those missing parts/remotes
- Child/infant equipment (car seats, boosters, helmets)
Additional Notes:
- No unscheduled furniture drop-offs
- Containers for donated items cannot be returned
Furniture Donations:
If you would like to schedule a Pick-Up for your Furniture Donation.
We aim to respond to your inquiry within 24 - 48 hours.
Thank you!
Please Include in your message:
- Contact number
- Address and community name (if applicable)
- Pictures and a list of items to donate
- Item details (e.g., brand names)
- Information about pets in your home
- Condition of the items
- Any damage from pets, smoke, water, pests, rust, etc.
- Whether items are on the ground floor, and if not, if there's elevator access
Donation Drop-Off Hours
Monday - Friday: 10:15 AM - 4:30 PM
Saturday: 10:15 AM - 3:30 PM
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
-The St John XXIII Thrift Store Team-